Plant-Based Recipes: Immune Boosting Tips

Thanks and gratitude! You both look really beautiful. I took the T Colin Campbell course I love it it was so powerful.

I hired Andrew Taylor Spud fit in my main focus is potatoes which I happen to have Wi-Fi but she did oranges.

For anyone sensitive to Trauma don't keep reading but for anyone willing to read I gained 40 pounds from being violated a running punched my head and it was worse than that at the doctors office I mean violated by his violent lying employee a woman receptionist office manager but actually she seems to be mirroring his behavior because In legal proceedings they were mocking and abusive and openly committed perjury. I gained 40 pounds from all this violence their goal to have me violently threatened and forced to drop charges and now I've lost 40 pounds so here I am in Brooklyn New York coronavirus Era and I feel my immunity compromise from almost 8 years of lack of sleep from being violated at a doctor -- google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube she was not fired or arrested and they don't seem to understand the Hippocratic oath patient rights were they just think it's a big joke like committing perjury.

They also got the NYPD to violently threaten me to make this go away but for me it's never gonna go away until I have a rest accountability and apology from everyone involved including travelers group who made a mockery of the violence the fact that I care that we shouldn't be using Styrofoam and medical offices and by the way it's now banned in new York city and Travis group made a mockery of the violence a hole punched in my retina sexual Assault so they are board members oh me an apology the city of New York owes me apology for sending in lawyers to lie and my civil rights weren't violated and that the NYPD didn't break laws when in fact they did.

I believe there is a higher court as do many people around the world from every background and eventually even if when these people are 95 they will get their karma but I'd really like Justice now and accountability now.

I'm just glad that I'm eating foods that are supporting my immune system but eating whole food plant-based oil in the sea tube to send your scores why I am eating the food so I'm eating because they really do help support the immune system and all the different systems of the body. The fiber in the food is almost miraculous and what it does to help the body and I really need help right now so thank you.


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