Google Dr Fagelman Assault YouTube; By the way Dr Andrew Fagelman is the most unethical dishonest liar medical doctor I've ever had the displeasure of meeting and he and his violent lying employee Delita Hooks for me w/PTSD Chronic Insomnia, right now are worse than the coronavirus, but I'm going to do this blog starting this morning 5 AM because I have PTSD insomnia because of them and they're NYPD enabler's that broke laws for them like they were Jeffrey Epstein so I'm gonna start my blog on how coronavirus Is affecting my life New York City
Google Dr Fagelman Assault YouTube; By the way Dr Andrew Fagelman is the most unethical dishonest liar medical doctor I've ever had the displeasure of meeting and he and his violent lying employee Delita Hooks for me w/PTSD Chronic Insomnia, right now are worse than the coronavirus, but I'm going to do this blog starting this morning 5 AM because I have PTSD insomnia because of them and they're NYPD enabler's that broke laws for them like they were Jeffrey Epstein so I'm gonna start my blog on how coronavirus Is affecting my life New York City.... FYI: . If you have any symptoms, call your health care provider. If you don’t have a doctor, the city can help you find one by calling (844) 692-4692 or 311, regardless of your immigration or insurance status. All cell phones in the New York City area will get an alert at 6 p.m. Tuesday asking them to sign up for information about the coronavirus. ...
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