Extreme exhaustion but living to cook craving tomato maybe for Potassium, bake spinach and potatoes

Notification issued 04-17-2020 at 3:00 PM. Show your support for NYC’s grocery workers: Only shop when you need to, wear a face covering & keep at least 6 feet from others.

I'm baking potatoes and spinach!

Just want to remind you all I'm Whole Foods plant-based vegan mostly completely oil free unless I have a little bit of tahini as a treat. I also take vitamin D B12 vegan omega three and I take AMALAKI  which has vitamin C in it

I'm making a tomato dish that I could use as a soup as a dressing that is oil free they have these amazing canned tomatoes and I have a favorite salsa that I put in there to give it flavor and then I added garlic and pepper I'm also cooking more potatoes working on everything supporting the immune system eating a lot of fiber including oranges bananas and apples....

This is corn cooked in the air fryer has a special treat but I don't use oil-- just garlic and onion powder and a little salt


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