Coronavirus fear day by day finding the little pleasures and so much to be grateful for big-time

Coronavirus fear day by day finding the little pleasures and so much to be grateful for big-time

My newest brightest dish is a salad with fresh kale leftover beef kale soup with corn very spicy red chili and even some pineapple salsa

As a vegan I'm also taking B 12 because I'm not getting out in the sun much vitamin D and I'm also taking vegan omega-3 which is far healthier because you're getting it right from the source not from an animal that's eating the source.

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Wishing everyone safe passage through this frightening time best of health to you and your love ones thank you

for the worst and customer service please google Dr. Fagelman assault YouTube and share
You'll find a YouTube  October 4, 2012 with over 760,000 views on how not to treat someone. My patient rights were violated my body repeatedly violated and there's no remorse zero apologies just more lies even perjury and EVEN more ABUSIVE so imagine coping with coronavirus fear living nyc because I wasn't safe at a doctor's office.   

Please  excuse terrible typos I endured a savagely violent assault Google Dr Fagelman assault all involved are Teflon like Jeffrey Epstein was and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by corrupt NYPD and DA 


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